Drush is a command line shell and Unix scripting interface for Drupal. You can use drush to download, update and install drupal and it's modules. It also executes SQL queries and DB migrations, clear caches and other useful things such as backup, updates, clear caches etc.

In Drupal 8, it is very simple to create a multilingual website. In the drupal core, one can find the necessary modules to do so, such as Language, Content Translation, Interface Translation and Configuration Translation. You can just enable the modules and enable the translation that is desired from the administration menu.


For our new website we decided to keep things simple. We wanted our first page to feature all our projects so that the visitor wouldn't have to look for our portfolio within the website.
Another matter we had to decide, was the simpliest and faster way to display them all. After brainstorming, we opted for a responsive grid style.