Ets Letalle rénovations sur mesure - logo design

What we did

  • Preliminary discussions to guide the owner towards the redefining of his visual identity
  • Semantics study over the new slogan: adequate choice of words so as to distinguish Ets Letalle from the myriads of construction companies which are not specialised in terms of "maçonerie" and historical monuments restoration
  • Redefining the brand identity
  • Stylesheet elaboration, typefaces research and comparison
  • Linking the corporate facet of the business with the owner's personal view over the brand through the decision of designing a monogramme
  • Hand-sketching of different monogramme approaches
  • Digital pre-design and design of 5 proposals
  • Test-users using the client's social media in order to establish the most efficient logo through the eyes of the audience
  • Selection of the most efficient proposal
  • Refining of the black and white version of the logo
  • Colours research and study
  • Designing the coloured version of the logo
  • Creation of a graphic charter for the new visual identity of the villa

The Context

Ets Letalle is a French company established in the North of France. François Letalle, the owner of the company is what we call in French a "maçon". A maçon - French for mason- actually builds houses, traditionally with bricks and is a skilled worker or builder in stone. François has worked in significant historical monuments of the Hauts-de-France region, in Lille. Amongst other things, we can mainly cite his renovation work of the main and oldest train station of the city, the Gare Lille Flandres station, opened in 1842 as the Gare de Lille, which was renamed in 1993 when Lille Europe station opened. Chronologically, that was also when he realised he had both the ambition and the skills to not only be a mason but also a project coordinator. Which is what happened in a very short time from the day he began working at renovating the station as a "simple worker"; in fact, direction soon put him in charge of the entire project, decision which resulted in the success of the operation since he managed to overcome the problems which had previously been faced, such as delays in terms of delivery of the work; he also managed to conceive better technical solutions in terms of sustainability of the construction, as well as, obtain better results thanks to a wiser selection of materials and suppliers. He has also actively participated in the restauration of another historical building in Lille, which is the Institut d'études politiques de Lille, also known as Sciences Po Lille.

Challenges & Objectives

Our client needed to be guided as to what should be highlighted concerning his activity and added-values compared to the competition. 

We had multiple brainstorming sessions with him in order to understand what and how he does what he does, in order to be able to start designing but also to start putting words on a slogan that would properly reflect his activity and services. 

We proceeded to a semantics study over the new slogan to be to make an adequate choice of words so as to distinguish Ets Letalle from the myriads of construction companies which are not specialised in terms of "maçonerie" and historical monuments restoration as opposed to him.


Ets Letalle semantics research over the words that best reflect the activity of the client image with various slogans

Very soon the idea of designing a monogramme logo emerged. Since François really builds in his own way which results from thorrough techniques and traditional masonry knowhow. We wanted to make something classy reflecting the quality of his work with a wink to the bricks and the modular character of what he does. 


The Solution

After having illustrated the idea of a "signature work" through various monogramme drafts in black and white, cf. below:


Ets Letalle ébauches de monogrammes en noir et blanc

We proceeded to a public survey on the client's social media in order to select the public's preferred ones. We studied their preferences and refined the three selected. After having done that, we had another public poll to find out which one was the most representative to the eyes of people; once we had done that we started working on the colours that correspond to the client's industry and activity and applied them to the final logo. 


New logo for the Etablissements Letalle a French construction company

Which we then promoted on the client's social media again by means of a short custom video.